Northern Quang Ninh province will develop three important heritage sites from next month until 2025 to promote their cultural values, contributing to the province’s tourism and economy.

According to Ho Chi Duc, head of the managing board of the key vestiges of Quang Ninh, the planning of the three complexes are among key developments to shift the province’s economic focus from heavy industries towards the tourism and services industries.

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On Feb 22nd, 2013, a famous economic and financial site- Business Insider has unveiled its picks for 100 trips you must take in your lifetime.

The list includes most famous destinations, activities or festival you "must" come to see, to do and to enjoy at least 1 time in your life. From the list, you can find many similar tourist attractions such as Las Vegas, Paris, Dead Sea, Great Wall of China, Hawaii, etc.

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Saturday, 23 February 2013 03:31

Tuan Chau, the Emerald Island

Tuan Chau is a schist island on the south-west side of Hạ Long City in Vietnam. Covered by pine forest, has an area of 2.2 km² and to the east and south are two man made beaches endowed with very white, fine sand.

The octagonal house where President Hồ Chí Minh stayed when he vacationed here has now become a memorial site. Nowadays, Tuần Châu Island is one of the most touristic destinations in Hạ Long City. Tuần Châu is in an important position at the entrance of the waterway system of Thăng Long, Bặch Đằng and Vân Ðồn. This is why in the feudal time, the royal army set up a guard station here to patrol and defend the borderland.

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